Replace Old Automatic Doors
Automatic doors are generally designed to last for years of use, and as they can't be slammed or mishandled they're far less prone to wear and tear.
If you have a particularly old set of automatic doors that have seen better days or has parts that are no longer manufactured we can help upgrade you. Maybe your existing automatic doors are still be functioning but you're interested in the technological advancements that have been made in the automatic doors industry since you installed your old ones.
Whatever your reason give our friendly and experienced team a call and we can discuss how to replace your old automatic doors with modern new ones.
Retrofit Automatic Doors
In many cases, it's even possible for us to retrofit an existing manual door to open automatically without replacing the door itself.
Retrofit automatic door installations are a cost-effective way to modernise your existing entrances and provide increased accessibility to differently-abled people.
Most retrofitting installations use a swing opening system for doors as sliding doors tend to be a complete system that requires specially designed door panels to function.