What are the downsides to investing in automatic doors?
There are plenty of great reasons to invest in an automatic door, whether it’s an automatic swing door or electric sliding door, but there are also a few reasons an automatic door or series of doors, might not be right for you.
Reasons could include:
Automatic doors can be more expensive
Naturally, an automatic door system will have a range of components a manually controlled door won’t have, and may require extra labour hours to install, a fact of which will be reflected in the higher price.
Although it’s also important to remember, much of the extra cost you pay for your new automatic doors will come back to you as a result of some of the money-saving benefits we’ve listed further down this article.
Automatic doors need to be maintained
Like any piece of machinery, even when manufactured and installed by an automatic door professional, your automatic doors will need to be maintained throughout their life, to ensure ongoing performance.
Again, much of these maintenance costs will be offset by the money-saving benefits of your automatic doors, but are still costs you should factor in when deciding to order an automatic door system for your business.
So, what are the upsides to investing in automatic doors?
As already mentioned above, there are some reasons you might decide against investing in automatic doors, but, there are far more good reasons, three of which we’ve included below.
Customers love automatic doors
If we’re talking retail, high, medium or low-end, the customers ‘real life’ shopping experience rather than their online experience, is often vital to the overall success of the business itself.
So, when we say customers ‘love’ automatic doors, we’re saying they make their life easier, especially when overloaded with shopping bags, or to give them a better sense of security during their shop.
Automatic doors help your business save money
Saving money is essential for any business, particularly during an economic slump. And, you might be surprised to know, there are two key ways in which your automatic door system will help you keep control of the budget, including:
Reducing door replacement incidences
Simply put – this is because a quality manufactured and professionally installed automatic door will be engineered to open smoothly each time rather than being open and slammed shut. This causes less wear and tear and ultimately results in a long-lasting door.
And, if regularly (usually annually or biannually) serviced and maintained, it’ll go on working like new for decades, and you won’t need to keep spending out on getting a replacement.
Saving on energy costs
With energy costs going through the roof, and with businesses having more legal and moral responsibilities to preserve our environment, energy saving is a must.
With an automatic door system installed, the door will be closed more often and only open when necessary, meaning an annual saving on heating and air conditioning costs from reduced usage.
Automatic doors improve the look of your business
Whether your electric doors are installed on your office or retail property, they will improve the look of the property, both for your benefit, and your customers/clients.
This aesthetic improvement then has the huge potential to start bringing in more customers, or help to increase the chances of clients returning for another visit.
Automatic Doors, Milton Keynes
Reactive Doors is an automatic door specialist based in the heart of Milton Keynes. If you’re a business looking for high-quality automatic doors or automatic door servicing, get in touch today to book your free site survey.